This is our story of trying to round out our 10 months old flat head. He has mild brachycephaly\plagiocephaly and will wear a helmet. We hope to share the information and research that we find along the way and continue to learn as we go. Hopefully we can be a source of comfort to you in your own journey as we seek our own comfort in knowing that we're doing what's best for our son.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

DONE-ZO! Whoop Whoop *23 Weeks*

Today we were discharged from Our Thinking Cap.

Easton has done absolutely fabulous with the helmet.
These last few weeks were touchy because of the heat, but he still did great!

I thought I'd go back to Day 1 Measurements to see how far he came.

DAY 1- February 1
Cranaul Vault Asymmetry was 7mm off
Cephalic Index was 97.22

Today- Day 163- June 13
Cranial Width: 136mm
Cranial Length: 165mm
Cephalic Index (width/length): 82%
Left anterior to Right posterior: 150mm
Right anterior to Left Posterior: 149mm
Cranial Vault Asymmetry- 1mm!!!!!!!

Looking back, it was such a difficult decision for us {me} to make.
The doctors and specialist left it up to us to decide.
I'm glad Lance was confident in the process.
He made the final call.
It was SO worth it.
Easton did wonderful!
I am so thankful for his little round head.
It looks just like any other little boys head.
I know it was the right thing to do.

Not to mention, our insurance covered 100% of the helmet!
That was reassurance for me that the Lord was taking care of this!

My advice to you, as parents of a child with a head that might look a little off to you is this.
Follow your gut.  If you think it looks odd, it probably does.
Insist on meeting with a specialist.
I'd suggest finding the closest Hanger Orthotics and have them take a look.
Your child will have their head the rest of their lives.
Don't count on others to tell you his head looks different. They won't.
Go with your God-given parental instinct.
You'll be glad you did.

I hope this blog will encourage you that it's really NOT that bad!
I'll be back soon with some noggin pictures!

Happy Helmet-Less Noggin Day to you!