This is our story of trying to round out our 10 months old flat head. He has mild brachycephaly\plagiocephaly and will wear a helmet. We hope to share the information and research that we find along the way and continue to learn as we go. Hopefully we can be a source of comfort to you in your own journey as we seek our own comfort in knowing that we're doing what's best for our son.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

6 weeks 2 days- Helmet Check Up

Last Measurements:
Cranial Width: 137mm
Cranial Length: 145mm
Cephalic Index (width/length): 94%
Left anterior to Right posterior: 142mm
Right anterior to Left Posterior: 144mm
Cranial Vault Asymmetry (difference of L & R):  2mm

Today's Measurements:
Cranial Width: 140mm
Cranial Length: 145mm
Cephalic Index (width/length): 97%
Left anterior to Right posterior: 146mm
Right anterior to Left Posterior: 149mm
Cranial Vault Asymmetry (difference of L & R):  3mm
Head Circumference: 475

To me, these numbers don't look good- they look like they've reversed, however BJ was pleased.
He was pleased with the circumference the most.
It has grown 5 cm.
Head growth is important at this stage of the game. 

So, we go back in 3 weeks.
We'll keep rounding out hopefully.
He's doing wonderful with his helmet so it's really no bother to him or us.
Strange questioning looks are the main bother!

Monday, March 7, 2011

5 Week- Plastic Surgeon Check Up

We met with Dr. Kelly today.
He's with Vanderbilt Plastic Surgery.
He was very pleased with Easton's progress.
He marked up Easton's helmet for BJ to adjust.
We go for that adjustment tomorrow...
Until then, we need MORE ROOM!

Tomorrow BJ will carve out this portion of the inside of Easton's helmet.
This will allow MORE ROOM for growth for the left side of Easton's head.
And here's the inside of Easton's helmet.
For those of you wondering what it looked like.

So, we'll keep rounding.  Progress is awesome and so encouraging!

Yes...MUCH better!!!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

1 Month (and 2 days)


We've been in the helmet 1 month and 2 days.

Time is flying.

Easton continues to do so well with his helmet.
He's stopped sweating in it so that's  nice. 
He does still sweat when he sleeps but not just wearing it.

Here are our 1 month (and 2 day) pix:

and because I love me a good neck picture...I'll leave you with that goodness.
Mmmmm.  This is the sweetest neck EVER!

We meet with Dr. Kelly Monday.
I'm anxious to see what he thinks about our improvement.