LAST Measurements (4/20/11):
Cranial Width: 139.5mm
Cranial Length: 148mm
Cephalic Index (width/length): 93%
Left anterior to Right posterior: 147mm
Right anterior to Left Posterior: 150mm
Cranial Vault Asymmetry (difference of L & R): 3mm
TODAYS Measurements:
Cranial Width: 141mm
Cranial Length: 149mm
Cephalic Index (width/length): 95%
Left anterior to Right posterior: 149mm
Right anterior to Left Posterior: 148mm
Cranial Vault Asymmetry (difference of L & R): 1mm
I'm trying not to focus on Cephalic Index- because he's brachy.
If he was plagio, cephalic would be more important.
The HUGE victore this week is the Cranial Vault! It's 1mm!
It was 8 when we started! (I think)!
So this is a great change!
We got the ok to take the helmet off during outside play times.
It's gonna get HOT soon and with that comes a sweaty head and a moody boy.
So, we're allowed to take it off during those hot play times!
As long as the helmet still fits, BJ does suggest that we keep it on because it COULD change more.
BJ does feel that as he grows more his head will continue to round out on his own so that's encouraging.
SO, onward we'll go.
We have another appt June 1 with Dr. Kelly and afterwards with BJ.
Hopefully we'll be out of this thing soon! I'm getting tired of looking at it!
More updates to come!