This is our story of trying to round out our 10 months old flat head. He has mild brachycephaly\plagiocephaly and will wear a helmet. We hope to share the information and research that we find along the way and continue to learn as we go. Hopefully we can be a source of comfort to you in your own journey as we seek our own comfort in knowing that we're doing what's best for our son.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

CT Scheduled

As I'm sure most of you have noticed, Easton has a bit of a flat head.  It's been a nagging issue in our house for some time now. We've asked his pediatrician for months what he thought about it and he kept saying 'when he starts sleeping on his belly, sitting up, crawling, etc it will round out.' Well, he's been doing all of those things for almost 4 months now, and it's still pretty flat. It's not near as coned as it used to be but it's still flat in the back. We visited an orthopedist (the man who SELLS the helmets) to see if he thought Easton was a candidate for a helmet and he said that he was (big shocker- that's his money maker!!!). I'm sorry- I'm a little bitter about that whole situation.  He took some measurements of his head and his head is about the same size width as it is length so a helmet would help mold it into a more round shape.

In order to see if he is TRULY a candidate for a helmet we first have to get a CT scan of his head and then meet with a Pediatric Plastic Surgeon who will then refer us to a specialist.  They would then take a digital scan of Easton's head and fit him with a helmet that he would wear for 3-6 months. 

With that being said, we go Monday for the CT.  This absolutely scares the bajeebers out of me.  I don't want to do it.  I don't want him to have to be sedated to have this scan.  A friend at his school had this same procedure on her son and she told them she didn't want to have him sedated so they allowed her to nurse him and get him to sleep and then they did the scan.  My prayer is that this will work on Easton as well. 

He cannot have anything to eat after 3am on Monday morning.  The procedure will be at 8am.  My prayer is that we can get him up a little earlier than normal and once we get to the hospital he'll be so tired and hungry, he'll nurse then konk out.  If this does not work we would have to wait 4 hours (so his tummy is empty) and do the procedure with the medicine.  Now, this is NOT full anesthesia, this is simply a little 'elixir' that will make him sleepy and still.  So, that helps me, but still, I want to try it first without the meds and see if he'll be still.  If he does have the medicine he can't go to school (and I can't go to work) so we might as well try it first without the medicine. 

I've been praying about this day for a while now.  We've had it scheduled for 6 weeks I guess.  I don't think I really realized just how nervous I am about it until today.  The what if's fill my mind and my thoughts daily.  I know that's Satan.  I know that's fear and fear is not of God.  I know these things, but I still think on them.  I wish I could banish them from my mind and thoughts.   I can really get myself in quite a mess when I let my mind wander. 

Instead of continuing the what if's I will say this...

Please be in prayer for our day on Monday.  I will be a nervous wreck.  Easton will not be happy that he can't eat.  Lance will have to deal with us both.  Please pray that Easton will lay on that table for the procedure and be still as a mouse and that he won't need to be sedated.  I'm going to believe that he WILL lay there still enough for them to get the images that they need.  And if he doesn't, please be in prayer for the sedation.  Pray that everything goes smoothly and he wakes up just fine from it.  Just pray.  Pray for us, please. 

We won't have any results until Wednesday when we meet with the doctor.  At this point, I don't even care about the results I just want everything to be ok on Monday.  I'll update as soon as possible on Monday!

We appreciate your prayers!

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