This is our story of trying to round out our 10 months old flat head. He has mild brachycephaly\plagiocephaly and will wear a helmet. We hope to share the information and research that we find along the way and continue to learn as we go. Hopefully we can be a source of comfort to you in your own journey as we seek our own comfort in knowing that we're doing what's best for our son.

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Head in Pictures

Birth- 3-18-10
VERY coned head

Nice & Round


Little flattening happening

Looks pretty good from this view

Almost 5 Months Old (Just sitting on his own- still sleeping on his back)
This is where it gets noticable
We asked our pediatrician SEVERAL times about the shape of his head.
He said 'as he sits, rolls over, plays on his tummy, etc it will round on on its own. 
Oh, if we only knew then what we know now.

Ped says 'symetrically flat' not to worry.

Can roll over now.
Sleeping on belly at 6 months.


Started Crawling at 8 months



Now, this is a great improvement over what it WAS at it's worst.
It did round out, but it's still flat.
It's almost as wide as it is long, and that puts his percentages way up.
They prefer your percentage to be around 81%.  That's BJ's goal for Easton.
His is about 97%.  100% is 'flat'.

These pictures will be a good reference point to measure where we've been and where we go.

MIGHT I ADD- THIS IS THE CUTEST KID EVER (CKE)----flat head or not, helmet or not!

Helmet tomorrow.  Mixed Emotions.

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